Quality Matters - Why It Matters


Click here for a one-page summary of the QM Rubric Standards.


Here are the relevant QM rubric components that are addressed by the "Effective Content Development" workshops:






Here are the relevant QM rubric components that are addressed by the "Active & Collaborative Learning" workshops:



Here are the relevant QM rubric components that are addressed by the "Authentic Assessment" workshops:


Many thanks to Laura Ballard, Instructional Designer at GateWay Community College for sharing her work and ideas for the Assessment workshop!


Standard 3.1 - Rubric Language

3.1 The types of assessments selected measure the stated learning objectives and are consistent with course activities and resources.


ACTIVITY: Video Tour of a course.

You decide if the assessment types measure the learning objectives, and are they consistent with course activities and resources? 



Applying Standard 3.1

Checking Course Alignment

Checking alignment can be very time consuming. Depending on the type of assessments you chose, you will have to review them point-by-point to determine if they measure what the course objectives state.

Match your competencies with what your test questions, paper prompts, portfolios, or performance prompts/rubrics are asking: http://www.ion.uillinois.edu/resources/tutorials/assessment/bloomtaxonomy.asp


Standard 3.4 - Rubric Language

The assessment instruments selected are sequenced, varied, and appropriate to the content being assessed.

Check out this example of an entire week of a course with activities and assessments. You decide if the activities are sequenced and varied to support the objectives: http://voicethread.com/share/588905/


Applying Standard 3.4

Think about the assessments you use in your course. Take a moment to reflect on the list. It's easy to determine if they are varied, simply look at your assessment types:


Build television sms voting polls at Poll Everywhere


Sequencing and appropriateness are very specific to your course content. The major point here is to make sure you aren't asking them to do things that are beyond the scope of the class OR that are lower than the standards of the class. Some questions to think about:

  1. Are my assessments building upon each other?
  2. Do I have transitional pieces in between these assessments that bridge knowledge?
  3. Am I asking them to do things they are capable of doing?


Standard 3.5 -Rubric Language

"Self-check" or practice assignments are provided, with timely feedback to students.


ACTIVITY: Video Tour of a course

Self Check and Drill and Practice activities in a Cross Sectional Anatomy course



Applying Standard 3.5

There are so many options for providing feedback and practice in in-person, online and hybrid courses. The great thing is that students are expected to be in an online environment for a portion of hybrid and online courses. Online environments are innately designed to "house" practice opportunities for content and can also lend themselves to great feedback opportunities.